Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm Back!

I'm back!
Hehee.. Sudah lama tidak menulis kn..
Quite busy before.. Busy dgn practical training..
Byk yg dipelajari..
Walaupun at first mmg x suka but yet, I miss it..
Yes, sy dah habis belajar but not really official..
Result x keluar lagi.. Hopefully everything was ok..
Now seeking for a job.. Wawawaaa..

Really hard to find job right now..
Bukan memilih or nk keje yg best2 or what..
Tp inilah yg dikatakan xde rezeki.. Dan xde luck jugak..
Mungkin juga tersalah bidang..
Yelah.. I'm not gorgeous or intelligent..
But I do love Broadcast's line.. Huehuehue.. 

Honestly, I'm bored stay at home..
Rindu nk pegi shooting.. Rindu nk bekerja..
I donno how to says..
Maybe some ppl suka bekerja dlm office..
But for me, sy suka shooting bcoz I can see the world..
But different ppl different opinion right..
Ok.. enough says..
Have a nice day.. ^_^

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