Sunday, December 12, 2010

~Tatie's Engagement~

Congratulation to my dear Diploma Classmate, Izzati Ghafur for her Engagement..!!
U look so gorgeous tatie!!
Rasa mcm br semalam je msk dip..tup2 tatie dah bertunang..wowww!!
Turn siapalah lepas nie yer??
Definitely not me lah..heheee..
Maybe i'll be da last???hahahaaaa...
No one knoes..^_^ 

Friday, December 10, 2010


Happy Belated Birthday Makcik Mimo!!!
Hate it right??hehee..but I think nama Mimo tu so cute lah..hehee
Neways Happy Birthday My Dear..^_^
Sory 4 da simple surprise..
Ini plan payung terjun sebenarnya..hehe..
Laen yg di plan laen  yg jd..
But the most important thing ak berjaya meng - surprise kn ko..hehee..surprise ke??teeetttt!!
Love ya..^_^

p/s: like to plan a surprise birthday party
who's gonna be da next??
just wait & see..hehee

Friday, December 3, 2010


A trip to place where i was born & growth up..yeyyy!!
after 17 years at last i go back to the place where i was borned..
actually dah lama teringin nk tgk tmpt diri sendiri dilahir kn but since Alor Star is not dekat xde sape nk bwk..huuhuuu..
but akhir nya rezeki itu datang when my mom decide nk hantar ayah ngah n mak ngah yg br blk haji ke rumah mereka di Sg Petani..
Alang2 dah ke Kedah tu sy pn request la nk g Alor Star and proposal sy at last diterima..hoooreeeeyyyy!!
and the best thing is i drive by my own from Sg Petani to Alor Star..
Eventhough xdelah jauh mana pn dr Sg Petani nk ke Alor Star tu tp sgt mencabar cz my mom nk lalu jln kg..dia xnk lalu highway and sy x pernah langsung drive jalan kg..this is my first experience!!takut!!tp best..hehee..

then the next day kami pegi Kulim,tmpt sy sampai umur 5 thn je la..hehee..
but b4 ke Kulim ade 1 tragedi (wahh!!bunyi mcm gempak je kn..padahal xde la gempak mana pn..hehee) dimana my car key pecah n chip dlm kunci tu terjatuh without anyone sedar..kesan nya kami x bleyh nk start engine!!dah la spare key pn first ingatkn battery but bila tukar battery pn still x bleyh start gak..gler panic n suddenly my mom punya friend tgk kunci kereta n he actually find out that the chip is missing..mana nk cari chip yg kecik tu..semua org dah tawaf keliling kereta n dlm rumah but x jumpa jugak..last2 my dad decide nk g proton service center dkt arau sebab alor star punya tutup cz its friday..then me n my mom masuk blk rumah..tgh duduk2 tu hati tergerak nk cari kat hall rumah and suddenly I FOUND IT!!terus call my dad n dia pn patah palik rumah kwn dia tu..we're lucky cz jumpa blk chip tu kalau x melayang RM 400...wawawawaaaaaa...Alhamdulillah la jumpa blk chip those yg pakai kereta proton tu beware dgn kunci kereta anda..huuhu

after everything was ok kami pn bergerak ke otw to singgah Kuala Kedah jp ingat ngan makan laksa but xde rezeki cz its friday byk kedai mkn je la apa yg ada then tunggu my dad solat jumaat then kami ke Kulim..sampai pn dah ptg..smpt pegi tgk tadika n rumah lama kami then hari pn dah gelap..pegi rumah my uncle n kwn2 my mom n my dad then blk rumah mak ngah kat SP...

here some pictures yg sempat diambil..xde la byk sgt pn..hehee..

Taman Nurul Ain - my tadika

my car key..

tol ticket 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

~ People I Miss so Much ~

For the whole semester 5 i have being working with this people..
we have shared lots of things and moments together
tp skrg semester dah habis...
Achik, Ili, Jijah,Abg D & Dakan rindu nyer kat korg..
rindu nk shooting sama2
rindu nk study sama2
rindu nk berjimba sama2
rindu nk stay up siapkn report sama2
rindu nk g makan meat balls ikea sama2
rindu nk mkn kat soul garden sama2

ili thanks 4 everything dr mula sampai habis degree
rindu nk borak2 dgn ili
gudluck yer ili..jgn lupakn ain yer..^_^

thanks ye achik 4 everything this sem
harap2 kita dpt tmpt practikal sama2 kn
rindu nk borak2 ngan achik dlm keta..heee
nanti jgn lupa yong yer^^

thanks ye jah 4 everything this sem
yong rindu la nk sakat kamu..hehee
nanti kawen jgn lupa ajak yong
nanti jgn lupakn yong yer :)

thanks yer weh for everything..
lepas nie intern x jumpa ak da..
ape2 hal roger ak k
jgn lupa ak k & kurgkn sket prasan tu k..hehe

thanks 4 everthings..
byk benda yg ain blajar dr ham
thanks sebab sabar dgn karenah sy
sory if ade silap salah selama nie
nanti intern n dah keje nanti harap2 ham x lupakn ain ye..heehee

Sory yer kwn2 if ade silap salah sy kt korg slama nie
will always miss u guys

~People I'll always LOVE..~

Other then my family, people that i'll always love are my gorgeous best friends..
They always make me laugh, they make me smile, accompany me when i sad or cry..
They always make me feel that they're here although they're actually far away..
They bring joy and happiness to my life..
And I know that what ever it is they'll always there for me..
LOVE u guys so much
and thanks for being my wonderful best friends..

Sygku Mai
thanks sygku cz always be at my side
thanks cz always lend me ur eyers,
giving me ur advise, & spend ur time with me
thanks cz slalu redha je bler kita panggil awk dgn nama mcm2..kakak la, buchuk la
thanks jugak sebab bg kita panggil awk sygku walaupn x suka org panggil syg..hehee
love u & always love u sygku.. <3

My Beb Yasmin
thanks beb cz being a great friend to me
always being my good advisor n listener
always bwk ak pg meronggeng..
xde ko ak kurg la meronggeng..xde geng..hehee
love u & always love u yas.. <3

My Dear Yan
thanks yan cz xkira jauh mana pn ko g ko ttp ingat ak
ko ttp call ak walau pn ko jauh kat aussie
ko slalu buat ak rasa ko ade je kt M'sia walaupn ko xde
ko xpernah lupa wish ak gudluck 4 exam n doakan ak dpt result yg elok eveytime final
love u & always love u yan.. <3

My Hunny Bunny Ecah
jom teman yan beli bj sambil try bj nk ambik gambar dlm fitting room
miss that moments..hehee
thanks my hunny bunny cz always being my giler2 partner
and always make me adore with ur gorgeous style
 love u & always love u ecah.. <3

My Darling Hilma
darling ke??hahahaaa...yela2 darling..hehee
thanks mima sebab rajin dtg pick up ak kat umah everytime nk kua
thanks sebab byk blanja ak..hehe
thanks sbb ko memeriah kn wall ak kt fb..hahaaa
and thanks cz slalu stalk ak makcik mimo..hehe
love u & always love u mima.. <3

My Pretty Dearrie Ummie
mie..walaupn ko mcm cips more
sekejap ade sekejap xde ak tau ko ade..hehe
nanti ak nk guna model sambilan ak panggil ko ek mie
kawen jgn lupe ajak ak tau..hahaa
love u & always love u mie.. <3

My Darling Mamarazi Tuan
thanks tuan cz always make me laugh
thanks cz sudi jd pendengar kita
tuan nanti bwk kita jln2 kat london k..promise tau..hehe
and another thing kalau awk boring jd engineer nanti bgtau k
kita crkn keje mamarazi kt awk..hehee..just kidding..
love u & always love u tuan.. <3

My Sweet Atie
heheee...thanks atie cz sudi kwn ngan kita
walaupn br rapat dgn atie tp rasa cm da lama rapat
always buat kita jealous cz awk n aidil sgt sweet!!
hehe..nk kawen nanti jgn lupe invite tau
love u & always love u atie.. <3

Si Gler Haikal
walaupn ko gler,walaupn ko sengal,
walaupn ko perasan,walaupn ko ske sakat ak
ak ttp ske kwn ngan ko..hehee
ko la kwn ak paling lama ak kwn..since skola rendah lg kn
thanks kal cz slalu jd advisor tetap ak skrg
ko jgn jd cipsmore lg tau..hahaa

Syg korg semua..xoxo <3 <3

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Selamat Pengantin Baru to my cousin, Ahmad Nasirron Shah and his wife Nurul Hanis..
just want to share with u guys some photos of their akad nikah (18Nov10) & wedding ceremony(20Nov10)..
semoga bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat..^_^

who next?? definitely not me la..hehe....
 xbleyh langkah bendul..hahaa..
beri peluang pd mereka2 yg lebih tua dlu..hehee..~


i haven write for a long time i think..too bz with assignments, thesis & etc..
but finally its END!my semester 5 is finally end..wooohooooo...
the worse semester i think..huhuu...terlalu byk dugaan nya...
kadang2 rasa mcm nk stop je study..xtertanggung rasanya dgn assignments la test la thesis la..
tp syg la..i have go this far..i need to complete what i have start..
now everything have settled..just wait for the result..gggggrrrrrrrr...~
hopefully i passed all papers..pray for me guys..huuhuuu..
this is my last semester study @ university..
next semester i'll go for my hope that everything will be fine..
gudbye semester 5, gudbye friends..gonna miss all our moments together...
semoga semua org berjaya dlm bidang masing2..^_^

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

~berbuka puasa with classmates + suprise birthday party Hafiz,Ili & Jijah..~

semalam (30 August) sy berbuka puasa dgn classmates sy yg sgt havoc..hehee...seronok sgt2 cz dah lama ktorg x buat activity bersama2 cz masing2 pn bz dgn assignments yg sedang bertimbun2 setinggi gunung kinabalu..huehuehue..

thanx to mama mia cz sudi bg kami pinjam kedai n masakkan utk kami..hehee..thanx auntie..sgt sedap auntie masak..^_^

walaupn xsemua yg dpt join n ada yg cancel last minutes but we still hav fun together and smpt celebrate birthday Apis, Ili n Jijah...seronok!!

thanks jugak to our beloved lecturer, Sir Dani cz sanggup turun dr rumah dia di seremban semata2 nk join kami berbuka puasa bersama2..xsabar nk g raya kat rumah Sir..Yeyyy!!!hehehee..^_^

We, Us

Happy Birthday Jijah, Apis n Ili..!! ^_^




Sunday, August 22, 2010

~wish us luck....~

there're so important things that me n my dearrie groupmates hav to do tomorrow...

i can't share with everyone cz this things are not confirm tua2 kata x baek heboh2kn benda yg kita x pasti lg kn..huehuehue... 

ya Allah..permudahkanlah segalanya bagi kami..dan semoga segala2nya berjln lancar...AMIN...

may Allah bless us...plz pray for us k...

berbuka puasa with my dearrie...^_^


waaaahhh...sudah lame x menulis..hehee..quite bz since semester pn dah almost half way gone kn..wawawawaawaaaa...cepatnya masa berlalu..kesebukn tugas menuntut sy utk tidak menulis..eceeeceeeceee..padahal malas kn..heheee...

ok xmau cerita panjang..hari rabu lps sy keluar berbuka puasa with my dearrie BFFs..heheee..akhirnya dpt kua ngan ecah gak walaupn bz gler skrg nie..kalau x cian dia blk dr bandung sy x smpt nk jumpa & not forgotten my dearrie last jumpe gak dia walau pn fac kami facing jer tp xde masa nk jumpe..if jumpe pn kat tmpt parking keta time pg2..hehee..^_^

ktorg g berbuka kat kedai kopi kat area not bad but most important things ktorg dpt berborak walau pn xde la lame sgt berborak cz nk kejar magrib nanti habis usually bler da lama x jumpa mestilah byk ceritanya..heheee..

and cik mai kita telah memecahkan rahsia yg sy simpan selama ini..hehee..ape rahsia nya??ouhohohohhh...biarlah rahsia..hahahaaaa...after mkn ktorg g rumah cik mai tuk solat magrib then sambung balik borak kat rumah mai...haahahaaa...
oklah here some pictures utk tontonan umum..hehee...

orite to go..see yaaaa...^_^